
Cultured learning in the group dynamic

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Avot Ubanim

The Od Yosef Hai Kollel continues daily with it’s Rabbis who teach and disseminate Torah widly, encapsulating all those who they encounter, penetrating deep in their foundations awakening a true connection to our Torah, it’s tradition and joining them to the routes of their community. Openly available to all levels of understanding, there are many daily and weekly lessons in Parsha, Kabbalah, and a new well-attended PBM program, which teaches the basics principles and techniques for becoming self sufficient in learning.  We have expansive lectures and classes in and out of the yeshiva both day and night, providing Jewish wisdom, knowledge as well as support to those who turn to us for direction and education. The regular newsletters of Od Yosef Hai continue to grow and have an impact worldwide.   

Rabbi Yossi David’s Monday Night Gemara Shiur

For those not fortunate enough to be able to be present at the inspiring lectures from our esteemed ministers, please feel free to enjoy the words of wisdom online 24/6!






During the Lockdown in the Summer of 2020, as a result of the COVID-19 PANDEMIC, both Dayan Abraham David and Rabbi Yossi David conducted shiurim via “ZOOM” from Sunday to Thursday evenings. These proved very popular and were viewed not only in London but in Israel, U.S.A. and other parts of the world. The “ZOOM” shiurim have continued to take place after the Lockdown. All evening shiurim in the week are taking place at Od Yosef Hai but for those those who are not able to attend, they can be accessed via “Zoom”. Generally, Dayan Abraham David gives a Zoom shiur on Monday and Wednesday at 8.30 pm and Rabbi Yossi David gives a Zoom shiur on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 9.00 pm. Notifications of the Zoom Shiur are sent via the OYH Community Whats App Information Group on the day of the shiur with both Dayan Abraham David and Rabbi Yossi David giving a preview of the subject matter of that evening’s Zoom Shiur. If you would like to be added to the OYH Community Whats App Information Group, please contact Samantha Moses at the OYH Office.

The Zoom Shiurim can be accessed by clicking this link:

Meeting ID: 507 269 0668 for the Passcode please email

7.00 am Yossi David Gemara Masechet Avoda Zara
8.00-9.00 pm Yossi David Ben Ish Hai Halachot
9.00 pm Yossi David “Zoom” Shiur (Subject to be advised via What’s App)
6.00 am Yossi David Gemara Masechet Avoda Zara
8.00-9.00 pm Yossi David Halachot Shabbat from Mishna Berura with Sephardi Halachot
8.30 pm Abraham      David “Zoom” Shiur (Subject to be advised via What’s App)
6.00 am Yossi David Gemara Masechet Avoda Zara
8.00-9.00 pm Yossi David Halachot Shabbat from Mishna Berura with Sephardi Halachot
9.00 pm Yossi David “Zoom” Shiur (Subject to be advised via What’s App)
6.00 am Yossi David Gemara Masechet Avoda Zara
6.40-7.30 pm Jordan Moses Od Avinu Hai “Zoom” Shiur: Chelek Alef of the Shulchan Aruch (Halachot of the Day)                          Meeting ID: 795 776 9099, Passcode: oah613
8.00-9.00 pm Yossi David Halachot Shabbat from Mishna Berura with Sephardi Halachot
8.30 pm Abraham David “Zoom” Shiur (Subject to be advised via What’s App)
6.00 am Yossi David Gemara Masechet Avoda Zara
8.00-9.00 pm Yossi David Halachot Shabbat from Mishna Berura with Sephardi Halachot
9.00 pm Yossi David “Zoom” Shiur (Subject to be advised via What’s App)
6.00 am Yossi David Gemara Masechet Avoda Zara
Od Yosef Hai