Become A Member
Serve The Community
Why not help our special community by becoming a member of the Levy Kelaty Synagogue and the Od Yosef Hai Community. The membership year runs annually from 1 September to 31 August.
Annual membership costs £ 500 for a Family and £ 250 for a Single Adult. For those who are not members but would like to attend services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, there will be a charge of £ 100 per seat (subject to availability).
Membership may be paid as follows:-
- By cheques made payable to “Od Yosef Hai Yeshivah” and mailed to the Od Yosef Hai Office, 50 Finchley Lane, Hendon, London NW4 1DJ.
- By bank transfer to: OD YOSEF HAI YESHIVAH; Name of Bank: HSBC; Account Number: 41325779; Bank Sort Code: 40-03-26.
- By monthly instalments, by standing order at £ 41.67 per month for Family Membership and £ 20.84 per month for a Single Adult. Each monthly payment will be taken out of your account on the first day of every month. Please find copies of the Membership Form and Standing Order Mandate by clicking on the links located at the bottom of this page. Each form needs to be completed in full, duly signed and dated and then it can either be mailed to the Od Yosef Hai Office at the above address or saved as a word document and e-mailed as an attachment to Samantha Moses at the Od Yosef Hai office at
Membership of the Levy Kelaty Synagogue and the Od Yosef Hai Community entitles you to a considerable discount for burial expenses. The Spanish & Portuguese Burial Society have agreed that funeral and burial charges for FULLY PAID Od Yosef Hai Community members will receive this special discount. This applies to members joining before their 70th birthday prior to 30 September as well as those who are not members of the Burial Insurance Scheme.
The Burial Insurance Scheme’s annual fees are £ 175 per adult and £ 30 per child (under 18). This scheme is only available to FULLY PAID members of the Levy Kelaty Synagogue and the Od Yosef Hai Community. Upon receipt of a claim, the Insurance Company pays £ 2,000 towards the funeral and burial expenses. Please be aware that since these are third party costs, they are subject to change. Please note that the annual fees for the Burial Insurance Scheme must be paid immediately on receipt of the invoice, as the Synagogue has to pay for all participating members in full.